Thursday, January 21, 2010

Food, Word of the Day, Last Nights Dream

So I'm going to learn some Hindi while I'm here. Today's word of the day, spelled phonetically:
teekay (T-K). This is the equivalent of "OK" in English.

If anyone feels like going to an Indian restaurant to experience what I experience here are some more foods I've had...

Aloo Bhaji (breakfast)


And everyone's favorite part of the blog, last night's dream. Last night I had a dream I was traveling with people for a hockey trip. At one point it was my coach, and another player, and at another point in the dream, I was with my dad and some other people.

Well when traveling with the coach, we lost one player, and then while staying at someones house, we somehow managed to destroy the whole place before we left. I don't know how. As we left though, some kind of snow storm hit, and we drove off the road.

Fast forward, I'm now traveling with my dad, and we are in the same ice storm. We try to drive around this frozen pond, but wind up sinking the car right into the water. I dive into the water, which is surprisingly warm, and start fishing out articles that people need. Cell phones, glasses, all kinds of little things. After that, I'm stuck on the side of some hill, and two firefighters turn a valve to drain the water out of this pond. Once the water drained away, our car was there completely destroyed, looking like a ship wreck.

Everyone was ok after all these events by the way.

So that's the dream(s) from last night.

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