Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little Frustrating

I was going to start this blog with a rant about my job and how it's midnight and I'm drinking coke and still working through my data. Instead I think I'm just going to ramble about nothingness until a cohesive thought process comes forward.

Most of my friends can admit that I can be pretty shameless. I say what's on my mind, I say what other people are thinking occasionally, and usually that tends to be inappropriate. I think we need to be unforgiving sometimes. Let's be honest, it's that brutal honesty that we need sometimes to kick us into gear. It's not meant to be mean (unless you want it to be), it's meant to bring you back to center. For example, a few weeks ago Noose (still trying to get you a better nickname) called me out. "Dan, while you were gone we had 6 weeks of the kitchen not stinking like ass. Then you got back. Have you noticed how bad it stinks? It's because you leave food in the garbage disposal and don't run it. I don't care if it's a grain of rice next time, run the damn disposal." You know what? I've run that disposal at least once a week since. It was honest, and righted by faults.

So why on earth don't we apply this same practice in public. I mean, imagine telling a homeless person, "Excuse me, could you at least urinate in the bushes outside, and not on the seats on the 'L'?" or how about to the people on bicycles, "Mr. Cyclist! Hello, I will do my best to honor your bike lane, if you do your best to not assume the whole road is yours. " It's not that hard.

I can see a downside to being as honest as possible with people. That would be low self-esteem and for emotional girls, a lot of nights crying yourself to sleep while you play Taylor Swift wishing your life was like the songs she sings about, eating your low-fat ice cream because you think it's not quite as bad if you eat the whole pint, self-pitying in self-loathing. We've all had those nights, don't worry about it. Geez, I can think of at least 2 or 3 people that if myself, or some people I know wanted to just let loose, would put some people on suicide watch duty. So maybe the whole honesty thing isn't good, but we should think about practicing in small doses.

In 2 weeks I begin my journey to obtain "Elite Flying Status" with a major airline. I look forward to smirking as I flash my card and get on the plane first while all the common folk look on with their "Zone 4" boarding passes. I hope when I flash my smile at the gate attendant, and don't look back at those miserable zombies, those people in line wish they were me. I'll be the envy of everyone. "Look at that young 20-something," they'll say, "He's going into the Delta Crown Room, I wonder what treats they have in there." Well having been privy to see several status waiting rooms, let me tell you this, I will NOT share with you what's in there. If I were to reveal those secrets, it'd be the equivalent of when the Nazi's opened the Arc of the Covenant and their faces either a.) Exploded or b.) Melted off. That's right, you don't want that to happen.

My quest for being healthier took a major hit this week. I'm working late hours, staying in a hotel, and the room service is from Applebee's. Oh and stress is high. Yea, I've eaten burgers, fries, and had a turkey sandwich covered in Avacado Ranch dressing tonight. I mean it was tasty, but I'm pretty sure I set myself back some time.

I will say this much, I'm very pleased that April is almost over. This month has been forgettable at best. The highlight was the wedding I went to. If it wasn't marred by the fact that the last day I was checking emails to make sure my team wasn't ready to implode w/out me, I think it would have been perfect.

I just remembered that I wanted to blog about something for quite some time, but just haven't put it down. Lately I've been worrying that I might have given myself some kind of bad voodoo. I don't know why, but I have very very random memories as a kid. it's funny what you remember sometimes. I'm sure I've blocked out countless important things from my past, and hell, sometimes I can't remember what I ate for breakfast. Anyway, this one memory from my past has literally been haunting me and I think it might be starting to affect me. I'm hoping that find a way to break the hex, but the biggest problem is I'm allowing it to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I guess I need to bear down and just make my own luck.

Oh yea, I need a haircut bad too.

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