Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No dreams lately.....

So I haven't had any dreams worth posting lately. Occasionally, I will dream of being on my computer doing work, but that's more of a nightmare that regularly occurs during busy season. I also had a dream than an ex-gf of mine got a boob job, and was taunting me via Skype. That's actually a dream I'd prefer to not going into any more detail on. We'll just leave it at that. I took my weekly pill though, so let's see if a fresh batch causes some Havoc. To be completely honest, the fact that so many of my dreams are involving me on my computer is freaking me out a bit. I'm starting to get worried that they aren't dreams and that I'm actually doing these things in my sleep. So yea, if I've talked to you at an unholy hour, please let me know.

So this past Saturday I laid out by the pool and got sun burnt. I only laid out for 2 hours and just got absolutely roasted. I underestimated the strength of the sun completely. I honestly thought I'd be able to last 2 hours, but no, I look like a Canadian flag (red stomach, red back, white sides). Today I've been going to the bathroom every 45 minutes to wash my face as my own skill falls off like a leper. It's not a look that I enjoy. It doesn't hurt to shower anymore though, so that's a bonus. I'm hoping the peeling will subside soon.

I got word today that a trip has been planned for the Taj Mahal. So if things don't fall through, I will be spending Saturday and Sunday in Delhi and Agra taking in the sites. I just hope I remember my damn camera this time. This is pretty much THE thing I've wanted to see since coming to India. It's the most touristy thing on the list, but I mean, you pretty much HAVE to see it.

All of this travel and thought of travel makes me realize how much I haven't seen in the USA. There are still some amazing things throughout the US that would be amazing to view. Among them, the Grand Canyon, Los Angeles (I've never been), and Yellowstone. I think in my mind though, I feel like I need to see the rest of the world before coming back around to the US.

Anyway, it's 5 o'clock here (cocktails anyone?) and I have another 7-8 hours left. Until the next post....

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