Sunday, March 21, 2010

Progressive Laughter

So I'm pretty sure one of the funnier moments of my life happened the other night. It was one of those you had to be there moments, but I'll do my best to give the play by play. I was watching tv with my roomate and a commercial for the New Moon came on. So we start making fun of the whole Twilight phenomenon. I crack about how my younger brother had a friend whose gf broke up w/ him because their relationship didn't have passion like in the Twilight series. I shit you not.

So we start making up voices about the characters and ripping into it, and I make an inappropriate comment, per usual, followed by a whispered, "I love you." I guess it was one of those comments that the more you think about it, the more it gets funny. For the next 3 minutes we both just kept laughing louder and louder until we were both in stitches over this. Laughter makes me laugh. It was a good time.

In other news, Friday night to once again negated all progress I've made in being healthy. We went out to the Hangge Uppe. I actually don't enjoy going to that bar. Now don't get me wrong, I'm almost positive every time I've gone there, I've had a decent time. My problems with the bar are these: 1.) If I'm not hammered drunk when I get there, I HAVE to get hammered drunk to enjoy myself 2.) Each time I've gone, between covers and drinks, I spend a minimum of $75 dollars. There's something about the bar that just makes me want to spend money. I think because if I were sober there, I wouldn't want to stay more than 5 minutes.

The other thing about this bar, is you see all kinds of people that you kind of know. I ran into 2 people I'd met before in the past. One was a co-worker of a girl a roomate of mine dated. The other was a girl who cock-blocked me once. I sincerely hope I didn't scream at the second girl. I was toasted when I saw her, and I'm still mad at her to this day.

And to top off a night of shots and beer, I got Mr. Gyro's after. Here's what happened next:

Philly Cheesesteak

I'm not proud of this. You may mock me now.

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